Background of the Study
Trending hashtags have become a vital part of digital communication, influencing not only content but also language structure. In Nigeria, popular hashtags on Twitter and Instagram generate distinctive morphosyntactic patterns that deviate from traditional language norms. These trends often lead to creative alterations in word order, inflection, and sentence structure as users adapt their language to fit digital constraints such as character limits and visual aesthetics (Okoro, 2024). This study compares the morphosyntactic effects of trending hashtags on both platforms, exploring how technological affordances and cultural contexts drive language change. It examines user-generated content to reveal patterns of digital innovation, such as the blending of formal and informal registers, code‑switching, and abbreviated expressions. By situating these linguistic adaptations within broader theories of morphosyntax and digital communication, the research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how trending hashtags serve as catalysts for language evolution in Nigeria (Adeniyi, 2023).
Statement of the Problem
While trending hashtags are widely recognized as drivers of digital language change, there is limited comparative research on their effect on morphosyntactic patterns across platforms. Existing studies have tended to focus on either lexical innovation or platform-specific features, neglecting the integrated impact on grammar and syntax. This gap restricts our understanding of how digital affordances and cultural influences shape morphosyntactic innovation in Nigerian online discourse. The current study addresses this by comparing Twitter and Instagram, providing insights into the mechanisms behind these syntactic changes (Chukwu, 2023).
Objectives of the Study:
To compare morphosyntactic patterns associated with trending hashtags on Twitter and Instagram.
To identify digital and cultural factors influencing these patterns.
To develop a model of digital morphosyntactic evolution.
Research Questions:
What morphosyntactic variations are linked to trending hashtags?
How do these variations differ between Twitter and Instagram?
What factors drive these morphosyntactic adaptations?
Significance of the Study
This study provides key insights into the role of trending hashtags in shaping morphosyntax in Nigerian digital discourse. Its findings are significant for linguists and digital media researchers seeking to understand language evolution in online contexts (Okoro, 2024).
Scope and Limitations of the Study:
Limited to Nigerian Twitter and Instagram posts.
Definitions of Terms:
Morphosyntactic Patterns: Combined aspects of word formation and sentence structure.
Trending Hashtags: Popular hashtags that drive content circulation.
Digital Affordances: Features of digital platforms that shape language use.
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